Blau's Blog

A furry blog covering various topics including gaming, Second Life, and misc tech.


I write things you can read! If you want to!

Fixing Issues With Skyrim Mods - (or, I broke horses, then fixed them)

Categories: [Video Games], [Skyrim], [I Broke It (Then Fixed It)]

This post was migrated from Cohost. It was originally posted June 19, 2023.

Well, specifically, some issues that I've run into with my latest save.

I was intending this to be a more broad overview of some cool tools I found while fixing something, but it's a bit hard to talk about them without talking about why I needed them. They aren't exclusive to the problem I was having so I hope these are able to help you!

I want to emphasize: It's generally a really bad idea to uninstall mods mid-playthrough. But, sometimes you run into issues, and you gotta.

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Oops, I broke Ruby

Categories: [Computers], [I Broke It (Then Fixed It)]

This post has been copied over from my old blog.

Right now, all I use Ruby for is to run Jekyll (and Bundler). I don't really have any other uses for it, though learning how to use Ruby is on my long-term to-do list, even if just enough to be able to read it.

I found out recently (though a G...

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